5 Big Differences between Localization and Translation

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5 Big Differences between Localization and Translation

5 Big Differences between Localization and Translation

Presented byTeam Article Pedia
Published on 3 March 2023

Localization and translation are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have distinct differences. Here are five big differences between localization and translation:

1. Scope: Translation refers to the conversion of a text from one language to another, while localization is a more comprehensive process that goes beyond language translation to consider cultural, social, and other factors that are specific to the target audience. Localization also includes adapting a product or service to the legal and regulatory requirements of the target market.

2. Cultural Adaptation: While translation focuses on the linguistic aspect of a text, localization takes into account the cultural differences between the source and target languages. It involves modifying content to reflect cultural nuances, customs, and values, which can include adapting graphics, changing images, and even modifying product names to resonate better with the target audience.

3. Geographical Differences: Localization considers geographic and regional differences that go beyond language and cultural differences. It takes into account the unique characteristics of the target market, such as measurement systems, currency, and units of time, to ensure that the product or service is appropriate and understandable in that market.

4. Target Audience: Translation aims to convey the meaning of a text as accurately as possible, while localization focuses on creating content that is culturally appropriate and relevant to the target audience. Localization helps businesses create products and services that better resonate with the needs and preferences of customers in different regions and markets.

5. Business Goals: The purpose of translation is to accurately convey the meaning of the source text to the target audience, while localization goes beyond translation to help businesses achieve specific business goals. For example, localization can help businesses increase their market share by adapting products and services to meet the needs of customers in different regions and markets.

In conclusion, while translation and localization share some similarities, they are distinct processes with different goals and scopes. Localization is a more comprehensive process that goes beyond language translation to adapt products and services to meet the specific needs of different markets and audiences. By understanding the differences between translation and localization, businesses can better tailor their products and services to meet the needs of customers in different regions and markets.

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